01344 627150

Parisien enquiry

hope you’ve had a lovely Christmas and want to wish you all a very happy,
healthy and successful 2014.

really excited about the year ahead… we’ve got lots of fantastic projects lined
up and as of January the Maple & Gray team will be 6!  It’s amazing what can happen in a year and we
can’t wait to see where we will be in 12 months time.

receive lots of interesting enquiries and we thought we’d share a lovely email from a lady this week.

“We’re very impressed with your work
and are wondering if you do projects in Paris.  Please let us know as we
are remodeling an apartment we just purchased in Paris. 

Thank you in advance for your
reply. “

I have close family living in Paris, it made me really happy to read this
email. I sadly had to decline the opportunity as we’re just not set up to
manage overseas projects at this stage.

wasn’t expecting a reply but I had an equally delightful response.

“Thank you for your reply.  We
look forward to following your projects for inspiration. “

being a really short interaction… it really makes us smile to deal with such
lovely people… I’m only sorry we are unable to make her kitchen.

one day in the not too distant future…. We’ll be making projects on the
continent! (-:

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